Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
re-export smart constructors for external code writing
- type Label = String
- type GSProgram a = GS (a (Program a))
- type SFile a = FS (a (File a))
- type MSBody a = MS (a (Body a))
- type MSBlock a = MS (a (Block a))
- type VSType a = VS (a (Type a))
- type SVariable a = VS (a (Variable a))
- type SValue a = VS (a (Value a))
- type VSFunction a = VS (a (Function a))
- type MSStatement a = MS (a (Statement a))
- type MSParameter a = MS (a (Parameter a))
- type SMethod a = MS (a (Method a))
- type CSStateVar a = CS (a (StateVar a))
- type SClass a = CS (a (Class a))
- type FSModule a = FS (a (Module a))
- type NamedArgs r = [(SVariable r, SValue r)]
- type Initializers r = [(SVariable r, SValue r)]
- class (VectorType r, VectorDecl r, VectorThunk r, VectorExpression r, ThunkAssign r, AssignStatement r, DeclStatement r, IOStatement r, StringStatement r, FunctionSym r, FuncAppStatement r, CommentStatement r, ControlStatement r, InternalList r, Argument r, Literal r, MathConstant r, VariableValue r, CommandLineArgs r, NumericExpression r, BooleanExpression r, Comparison r, ValueExpression r, List r, Set r, TypeElim r, VariableElim r, MethodSym r, ScopeSym r) => SharedProg r
- class (SharedProg r, ProgramSym r, OOVariableValue r, OODeclStatement r, OOFuncAppStatement r, OOValueExpression r, InternalValueExp r, GetSet r, ObserverPattern r, StrategyPattern r) => OOProg r
- class FileSym r => ProgramSym r where
- class ModuleSym r => FileSym r where
- class PermanenceSym r where
- type Permanence r
- static :: r (Permanence r)
- dynamic :: r (Permanence r)
- class BlockSym r => BodySym r where
- bodyStatements :: BodySym r => [MSStatement r] -> MSBody r
- oneLiner :: BodySym r => MSStatement r -> MSBody r
- class StatementSym r => BlockSym r where
- type Block r
- block :: [MSStatement r] -> MSBlock r
- class TypeSym r where
- type Type r
- bool :: VSType r
- int :: VSType r
- float :: VSType r
- double :: VSType r
- char :: VSType r
- string :: VSType r
- infile :: VSType r
- outfile :: VSType r
- listType :: VSType r -> VSType r
- setType :: VSType r -> VSType r
- arrayType :: VSType r -> VSType r
- listInnerType :: VSType r -> VSType r
- funcType :: [VSType r] -> VSType r -> VSType r
- void :: VSType r
- class TypeSym r => OOTypeSym r where
- class TypeSym r => TypeElim r where
- class ThunkSym r where
- class TypeSym r => VectorType r where
- class DeclStatement r => VectorDecl r where
- vecDec :: Integer -> SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r
- vecDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
- class (VariableSym r, ThunkSym r) => VectorThunk r where
- class (ThunkSym r, ValueSym r) => VectorExpression r where
- class (VariableSym r, ThunkSym r, StatementSym r) => ThunkAssign r where
- thunkAssign :: SVariable r -> VSThunk r -> MSStatement r
- class ValueSym r => StatementSym r where
- type Statement r
- valStmt :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
- emptyStmt :: MSStatement r
- multi :: [MSStatement r] -> MSStatement r
- class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => AssignStatement r where
- (&-=) :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- (&+=) :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- (&++) :: SVariable r -> MSStatement r
- (&--) :: SVariable r -> MSStatement r
- assign :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- (&=) :: AssignStatement r => SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- assignToListIndex :: (StatementSym r, VariableValue r, List r) => SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r, ScopeSym r) => DeclStatement r where
- varDec :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r
- varDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- listDec :: Integer -> SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r
- listDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
- setDec :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r
- setDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- arrayDec :: Integer -> SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r
- arrayDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
- constDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- funcDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SVariable r] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- class (DeclStatement r, OOVariableSym r) => OODeclStatement r where
- objDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- objDecNew :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
- extObjDecNew :: Library -> SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r
- objDecNewNoParams :: OODeclStatement r => SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r
- extObjDecNewNoParams :: OODeclStatement r => Library -> SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r
- class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => IOStatement r where
- print :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
- printLn :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
- printStr :: String -> MSStatement r
- printStrLn :: String -> MSStatement r
- printFile :: SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- printFileLn :: SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- printFileStr :: SValue r -> String -> MSStatement r
- printFileStrLn :: SValue r -> String -> MSStatement r
- getInput :: SVariable r -> MSStatement r
- discardInput :: MSStatement r
- getFileInput :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
- discardFileInput :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
- openFileR :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- openFileW :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- openFileA :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- closeFile :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
- getFileInputLine :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
- discardFileLine :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
- getFileInputAll :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r
- class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => StringStatement r where
- stringSplit :: Char -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- stringListVals :: [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- stringListLists :: [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => FuncAppStatement r where
- inOutCall :: InOutCall r
- extInOutCall :: Library -> InOutCall r
- class (FuncAppStatement r, OOVariableSym r) => OOFuncAppStatement r where
- selfInOutCall :: InOutCall r
- class StatementSym r => CommentStatement r where
- comment :: Comment -> MSStatement r
- initObserverList :: DeclStatement r => VSType r -> [SValue r] -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r
- addObserver :: (StatementSym r, OOVariableValue r, List r) => SValue r -> MSStatement r
- class (BodySym r, VariableSym r) => ControlStatement r where
- break :: MSStatement r
- continue :: MSStatement r
- returnStmt :: SValue r -> MSStatement r
- throw :: Label -> MSStatement r
- ifCond :: [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- switch :: SValue r -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- ifExists :: SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- for :: MSStatement r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- forRange :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- forEach :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- while :: SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- tryCatch :: MSBody r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- assert :: SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r
- ifNoElse :: ControlStatement r => [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSStatement r
- switchAsIf :: (ControlStatement r, Comparison r) => SValue r -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r
- class TypeSym r => VariableSym r where
- class ScopeSym r where
- class (VariableSym r, OOTypeSym r) => OOVariableSym r where
- staticVar :: OOVariableSym r => Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
- staticConst :: OOVariableSym r => Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
- class VariableSym r => VariableElim r where
- variableName :: r (Variable r) -> String
- variableType :: r (Variable r) -> r (Type r)
- ($->) :: OOVariableSym r => SVariable r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r
- listOf :: VariableSym r => Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
- listVar :: VariableSym r => Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r
- class TypeSym r => ValueSym r where
- class ValueSym r => Argument r where
- pointerArg :: SValue r -> SValue r
- class ValueSym r => Literal r where
- litTrue :: SValue r
- litFalse :: SValue r
- litChar :: Char -> SValue r
- litDouble :: Double -> SValue r
- litFloat :: Float -> SValue r
- litInt :: Integer -> SValue r
- litString :: String -> SValue r
- litArray :: VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
- litList :: VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
- litSet :: VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
- class ValueSym r => MathConstant r where
- class (VariableSym r, ValueSym r) => VariableValue r where
- class (VariableValue r, OOVariableSym r) => OOVariableValue r
- class ValueSym r => CommandLineArgs r where
- class ValueSym r => NumericExpression r where
- (#~) :: SValue r -> SValue r
- (#/^) :: SValue r -> SValue r
- (#|) :: SValue r -> SValue r
- (#+) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- (#-) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- (#*) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- (#/) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- (#%) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- (#^) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- log :: SValue r -> SValue r
- ln :: SValue r -> SValue r
- exp :: SValue r -> SValue r
- sin :: SValue r -> SValue r
- cos :: SValue r -> SValue r
- tan :: SValue r -> SValue r
- csc :: SValue r -> SValue r
- sec :: SValue r -> SValue r
- cot :: SValue r -> SValue r
- arcsin :: SValue r -> SValue r
- arccos :: SValue r -> SValue r
- arctan :: SValue r -> SValue r
- floor :: SValue r -> SValue r
- ceil :: SValue r -> SValue r
- class ValueSym r => BooleanExpression r where
- class ValueSym r => Comparison r where
- class (VariableSym r, ValueSym r) => ValueExpression r where
- inlineIf :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- funcAppMixedArgs :: MixedCall r
- extFuncAppMixedArgs :: Library -> MixedCall r
- libFuncAppMixedArgs :: Library -> MixedCall r
- lambda :: [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> SValue r
- notNull :: SValue r -> SValue r
- class (ValueExpression r, OOVariableSym r, OOValueSym r) => OOValueExpression r where
- selfFuncAppMixedArgs :: MixedCall r
- newObjMixedArgs :: MixedCtorCall r
- extNewObjMixedArgs :: Library -> MixedCtorCall r
- libNewObjMixedArgs :: Library -> MixedCtorCall r
- funcApp :: ValueExpression r => PosCall r
- funcAppNamedArgs :: ValueExpression r => Label -> VSType r -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
- selfFuncApp :: OOValueExpression r => PosCall r
- extFuncApp :: ValueExpression r => Library -> PosCall r
- libFuncApp :: ValueExpression r => Library -> PosCall r
- newObj :: OOValueExpression r => PosCtorCall r
- extNewObj :: OOValueExpression r => Library -> PosCtorCall r
- libNewObj :: OOValueExpression r => Library -> PosCtorCall r
- exists :: ValueExpression r => SValue r -> SValue r
- objMethodCall :: InternalValueExp r => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> [SValue r] -> SValue r
- objMethodCallNamedArgs :: InternalValueExp r => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
- objMethodCallMixedArgs :: InternalValueExp r => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r
- objMethodCallNoParams :: InternalValueExp r => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> SValue r
- class ValueSym r => FunctionSym r where
- type Function r
- class FunctionSym r => OOFunctionSym r where
- func :: Label -> VSType r -> [SValue r] -> VSFunction r
- objAccess :: SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r
- ($.) :: OOFunctionSym r => SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r
- selfAccess :: (OOVariableValue r, OOFunctionSym r) => VSFunction r -> SValue r
- class (ValueSym r, VariableSym r) => GetSet r where
- class ValueSym r => List r where
- intToIndex :: SValue r -> SValue r
- indexToInt :: SValue r -> SValue r
- listSize :: SValue r -> SValue r
- listAdd :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- listAppend :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- listAccess :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- listSet :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- indexOf :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- class ValueSym r => Set r where
- listSlice :: InternalList r => SVariable r -> SValue r -> Maybe (SValue r) -> Maybe (SValue r) -> Maybe (SValue r) -> MSBlock r
- listIndexExists :: (List r, Comparison r) => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- at :: List r => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r
- class (StatementSym r, OOFunctionSym r) => ObserverPattern r where
- notifyObservers :: VSFunction r -> VSType r -> MSStatement r
- class (BodySym r, VariableSym r) => StrategyPattern r where
- class VisibilitySym r where
- type Visibility r
- private :: r (Visibility r)
- public :: r (Visibility r)
- class VariableSym r => ParameterSym r where
- type Parameter r
- param :: SVariable r -> MSParameter r
- pointerParam :: SVariable r -> MSParameter r
- class (BodySym r, ParameterSym r, VisibilitySym r) => MethodSym r where
- type Method r
- docMain :: MSBody r -> SMethod r
- function :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
- mainFunction :: MSBody r -> SMethod r
- docFunc :: String -> [String] -> Maybe String -> SMethod r -> SMethod r
- inOutFunc :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> InOutFunc r
- docInOutFunc :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> DocInOutFunc r
- class (MethodSym r, PermanenceSym r) => OOMethodSym r where
- method :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
- getMethod :: SVariable r -> SMethod r
- setMethod :: SVariable r -> SMethod r
- constructor :: [MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
- inOutMethod :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> InOutFunc r
- docInOutMethod :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> DocInOutFunc r
- privMethod :: OOMethodSym r => Label -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
- pubMethod :: OOMethodSym r => Label -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
- initializer :: OOMethodSym r => [MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> SMethod r
- nonInitConstructor :: OOMethodSym r => [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r
- class (VisibilitySym r, PermanenceSym r, VariableSym r) => StateVarSym r where
- type StateVar r
- stateVar :: r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
- stateVarDef :: r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> CSStateVar r
- constVar :: r (Visibility r) -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> CSStateVar r
- privDVar :: StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
- pubDVar :: StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
- pubSVar :: StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r
- class (OOMethodSym r, StateVarSym r) => ClassSym r where
- type Class r
- buildClass :: Maybe Label -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r
- extraClass :: Label -> Maybe Label -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r
- implementingClass :: Label -> [Label] -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r
- docClass :: String -> SClass r -> SClass r
- class ClassSym r => ModuleSym r where
- convType :: TypeSym r => CodeType -> VSType r
- convTypeOO :: OOTypeSym r => CodeType -> VSType r
- data ProgData
- data FileData
- data ModData
- data VisibilityTag
- data CodeType
- data GOOLState = GS {}
- lensMStoVS :: Lens' MethodState ValueState
- headers :: Lens' GOOLState [FilePath]
- sources :: Lens' GOOLState [FilePath]
- mainMod :: Lens' GOOLState (Maybe FilePath)
- initialState :: GOOLState
- onStateValue :: (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
- onCodeList :: Monad m => ([a] -> b) -> [m a] -> m b
- unCI :: CodeInfoOO a -> a
- unPC :: PythonCode a -> a
- unJC :: JavaCode a -> a
- unCSC :: CSharpCode a -> a
- unCPPC :: CppCode CppSrcCode CppHdrCode a -> a
- unSC :: SwiftCode a -> a
- pyName :: String
- pyVersion :: String
- jName :: String
- jVersion :: String
- csName :: String
- csVersion :: String
- cppName :: String
- cppVersion :: String
- swiftName :: String
- swiftVersion :: String
type VSFunction a = VS (a (Function a)) Source #
type MSStatement a = MS (a (Statement a)) Source #
type MSParameter a = MS (a (Parameter a)) Source #
type CSStateVar a = CS (a (StateVar a)) Source #
type Initializers r = [(SVariable r, SValue r)] Source #
class (VectorType r, VectorDecl r, VectorThunk r, VectorExpression r, ThunkAssign r, AssignStatement r, DeclStatement r, IOStatement r, StringStatement r, FunctionSym r, FuncAppStatement r, CommentStatement r, ControlStatement r, InternalList r, Argument r, Literal r, MathConstant r, VariableValue r, CommandLineArgs r, NumericExpression r, BooleanExpression r, Comparison r, ValueExpression r, List r, Set r, TypeElim r, VariableElim r, MethodSym r, ScopeSym r) => SharedProg r Source #
class (SharedProg r, ProgramSym r, OOVariableValue r, OODeclStatement r, OOFuncAppStatement r, OOValueExpression r, InternalValueExp r, GetSet r, ObserverPattern r, StrategyPattern r) => OOProg r Source #
class FileSym r => ProgramSym r where Source #
class PermanenceSym r where Source #
Associated Types
type Permanence r Source #
bodyStatements :: BodySym r => [MSStatement r] -> MSBody r Source #
class StatementSym r => BlockSym r where Source #
block :: [MSStatement r] -> MSBlock r Source #
class DeclStatement r => VectorDecl r where Source #
class (VariableSym r, ThunkSym r) => VectorThunk r where Source #
class (ThunkSym r, ValueSym r) => VectorExpression r where Source #
class (VariableSym r, ThunkSym r, StatementSym r) => ThunkAssign r where Source #
thunkAssign :: SVariable r -> VSThunk r -> MSStatement r Source #
class ValueSym r => StatementSym r where Source #
valStmt :: SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
emptyStmt :: MSStatement r Source #
multi :: [MSStatement r] -> MSStatement r Source #
class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => AssignStatement r where Source #
(&=) :: AssignStatement r => SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r infixr 1 Source #
assignToListIndex :: (StatementSym r, VariableValue r, List r) => SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r, ScopeSym r) => DeclStatement r where Source #
varDec :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r Source #
varDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
listDec :: Integer -> SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r Source #
listDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r Source #
setDec :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r Source #
setDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
arrayDec :: Integer -> SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r Source #
arrayDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SValue r] -> MSStatement r Source #
constDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
funcDecDef :: SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> [SVariable r] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
class (DeclStatement r, OOVariableSym r) => OODeclStatement r where Source #
objDecNewNoParams :: OODeclStatement r => SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r Source #
extObjDecNewNoParams :: OODeclStatement r => Library -> SVariable r -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r Source #
class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => IOStatement r where Source #
print :: SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
printLn :: SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
printStr :: String -> MSStatement r Source #
printStrLn :: String -> MSStatement r Source #
printFile :: SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
printFileLn :: SValue r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
printFileStr :: SValue r -> String -> MSStatement r Source #
printFileStrLn :: SValue r -> String -> MSStatement r Source #
getInput :: SVariable r -> MSStatement r Source #
discardInput :: MSStatement r Source #
getFileInput :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r Source #
discardFileInput :: SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
openFileR :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
openFileW :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
openFileA :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
closeFile :: SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
getFileInputLine :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r Source #
discardFileLine :: SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
getFileInputAll :: SValue r -> SVariable r -> MSStatement r Source #
class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => StringStatement r where Source #
stringSplit :: Char -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
stringListVals :: [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
stringListLists :: [SVariable r] -> SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
class (VariableSym r, StatementSym r) => FuncAppStatement r where Source #
class (FuncAppStatement r, OOVariableSym r) => OOFuncAppStatement r where Source #
selfInOutCall :: InOutCall r Source #
class StatementSym r => CommentStatement r where Source #
comment :: Comment -> MSStatement r Source #
initObserverList :: DeclStatement r => VSType r -> [SValue r] -> r (Scope r) -> MSStatement r Source #
addObserver :: (StatementSym r, OOVariableValue r, List r) => SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
class (BodySym r, VariableSym r) => ControlStatement r where Source #
break :: MSStatement r Source #
continue :: MSStatement r Source #
returnStmt :: SValue r -> MSStatement r Source #
throw :: Label -> MSStatement r Source #
ifCond :: [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
String of if-else statements. Arguments: List of predicates and bodies (if this then that), Body for else branch
switch :: SValue r -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
ifExists :: SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
for :: MSStatement r -> SValue r -> MSStatement r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
forRange :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
forEach :: SVariable r -> SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
while :: SValue r -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
ifNoElse :: ControlStatement r => [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSStatement r Source #
switchAsIf :: (ControlStatement r, Comparison r) => SValue r -> [(SValue r, MSBody r)] -> MSBody r -> MSStatement r Source #
class TypeSym r => VariableSym r where Source #
class (VariableSym r, OOTypeSym r) => OOVariableSym r where Source #
staticVar' :: Bool -> Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r Source #
classVar :: VSType r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r Source #
extClassVar :: VSType r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r Source #
objVar :: SVariable r -> SVariable r -> SVariable r Source #
objVarSelf :: SVariable r -> SVariable r Source #
staticConst :: OOVariableSym r => Label -> VSType r -> SVariable r Source #
class VariableSym r => VariableElim r where Source #
variableName :: r (Variable r) -> String Source #
variableType :: r (Variable r) -> r (Type r) Source #
class ValueSym r => Literal r where Source #
litChar :: Char -> SValue r Source #
litDouble :: Double -> SValue r Source #
litFloat :: Float -> SValue r Source #
litInt :: Integer -> SValue r Source #
litString :: String -> SValue r Source #
litArray :: VSType r -> [SValue r] -> SValue r Source #
class (VariableSym r, ValueSym r) => VariableValue r where Source #
class (VariableValue r, OOVariableSym r) => OOVariableValue r Source #
class ValueSym r => CommandLineArgs r where Source #
class ValueSym r => NumericExpression r where Source #
(#~) :: SValue r -> SValue r infixl 8 Source #
(#/^) :: SValue r -> SValue r infixl 7 Source #
(#|) :: SValue r -> SValue r infixl 7 Source #
(#+) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 5 Source #
(#-) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 5 Source #
(#*) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 6 Source #
(#/) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 6 Source #
(#%) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 6 Source #
(#^) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 7 Source #
log :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
ln :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
exp :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
sin :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
cos :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
tan :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
csc :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
sec :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
cot :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
arcsin :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
arccos :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
arctan :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
class ValueSym r => BooleanExpression r where Source #
class ValueSym r => Comparison r where Source #
(?<) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 4 Source #
(?<=) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 4 Source #
(?>) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 4 Source #
(?>=) :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r infixl 4 Source #
class (VariableSym r, ValueSym r) => ValueExpression r where Source #
class (ValueExpression r, OOVariableSym r, OOValueSym r) => OOValueExpression r where Source #
selfFuncAppMixedArgs :: MixedCall r Source #
newObjMixedArgs :: MixedCtorCall r Source #
extNewObjMixedArgs :: Library -> MixedCtorCall r Source #
libNewObjMixedArgs :: Library -> MixedCtorCall r Source #
funcApp :: ValueExpression r => PosCall r Source #
funcAppNamedArgs :: ValueExpression r => Label -> VSType r -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r Source #
selfFuncApp :: OOValueExpression r => PosCall r Source #
extFuncApp :: ValueExpression r => Library -> PosCall r Source #
libFuncApp :: ValueExpression r => Library -> PosCall r Source #
newObj :: OOValueExpression r => PosCtorCall r Source #
extNewObj :: OOValueExpression r => Library -> PosCtorCall r Source #
libNewObj :: OOValueExpression r => Library -> PosCtorCall r Source #
objMethodCall :: InternalValueExp r => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> [SValue r] -> SValue r Source #
Calling a method. t is the return type of the method, o is the object, f is the method name, and ps is a list of positional arguments.
objMethodCallNamedArgs :: InternalValueExp r => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r Source #
Calling a method with named arguments.
objMethodCallMixedArgs :: InternalValueExp r => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> [SValue r] -> NamedArgs r -> SValue r Source #
Calling a method with a mix of positional and named arguments.
objMethodCallNoParams :: InternalValueExp r => VSType r -> SValue r -> Label -> SValue r Source #
Calling a method with no parameters.
class FunctionSym r => OOFunctionSym r where Source #
($.) :: OOFunctionSym r => SValue r -> VSFunction r -> SValue r infixl 9 Source #
selfAccess :: (OOVariableValue r, OOFunctionSym r) => VSFunction r -> SValue r Source #
class (ValueSym r, VariableSym r) => GetSet r where Source #
class ValueSym r => List r where Source #
intToIndex :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Does any necessary conversions from GOOL's zero-indexed assumptions to the target language's assumptions
indexToInt :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Does any necessary conversions from the target language's indexing assumptions assumptions to GOOL's zero-indexed assumptions
listSize :: SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Finds the size of a list. Arguments are: List
listAdd :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Inserts a value into a list. Arguments are: List, Index, Value
listAppend :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Appens a value to a list. Arguments are: List, Value
listAccess :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Gets the value of an index of a list. Arguments are: List, Index
listSet :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Sets the value of an index of a list. Arguments are: List, Index, Value
indexOf :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Finds the index of the first occurrence of a value in a list. Arguments are: List, Value
class ValueSym r => Set r where Source #
contains :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Checks membership Arguments are: Set, Value
setAdd :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Inserts a value into a set Arguments are: Set, Value
setRemove :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Removes a value from a set Arguments are: Set, Value
setUnion :: SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
Removes a value from a set Arguments are: Set, Set
listSlice :: InternalList r => SVariable r -> SValue r -> Maybe (SValue r) -> Maybe (SValue r) -> Maybe (SValue r) -> MSBlock r Source #
Creates a slice of a list and assigns it to a variable. Arguments are: Variable to assign List to read from (optional) Start index inclusive. (if Nothing, then list start if step > 0, list end if step < 0) (optional) End index exclusive. (if Nothing, then list end if step > 0, list start if step > 0) (optional) Step (if Nothing, then defaults to 1)
listIndexExists :: (List r, Comparison r) => SValue r -> SValue r -> SValue r Source #
class (StatementSym r, OOFunctionSym r) => ObserverPattern r where Source #
notifyObservers :: VSFunction r -> VSType r -> MSStatement r Source #
class (BodySym r, VariableSym r) => StrategyPattern r where Source #
class VisibilitySym r where Source #
Associated Types
type Visibility r Source #
class VariableSym r => ParameterSym r where Source #
param :: SVariable r -> MSParameter r Source #
pointerParam :: SVariable r -> MSParameter r Source #
class (BodySym r, ParameterSym r, VisibilitySym r) => MethodSym r where Source #
docMain :: MSBody r -> SMethod r Source #
function :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r Source #
mainFunction :: MSBody r -> SMethod r Source #
docFunc :: String -> [String] -> Maybe String -> SMethod r -> SMethod r Source #
inOutFunc :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> InOutFunc r Source #
docInOutFunc :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> DocInOutFunc r Source #
class (MethodSym r, PermanenceSym r) => OOMethodSym r where Source #
method :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r Source #
getMethod :: SVariable r -> SMethod r Source #
setMethod :: SVariable r -> SMethod r Source #
constructor :: [MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> MSBody r -> SMethod r Source #
inOutMethod :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> InOutFunc r Source #
docInOutMethod :: Label -> r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> DocInOutFunc r Source #
privMethod :: OOMethodSym r => Label -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r Source #
pubMethod :: OOMethodSym r => Label -> VSType r -> [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r Source #
initializer :: OOMethodSym r => [MSParameter r] -> Initializers r -> SMethod r Source #
nonInitConstructor :: OOMethodSym r => [MSParameter r] -> MSBody r -> SMethod r Source #
class (VisibilitySym r, PermanenceSym r, VariableSym r) => StateVarSym r where Source #
stateVar :: r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> CSStateVar r Source #
stateVarDef :: r (Visibility r) -> r (Permanence r) -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> CSStateVar r Source #
constVar :: r (Visibility r) -> SVariable r -> SValue r -> CSStateVar r Source #
privDVar :: StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r Source #
pubDVar :: StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r Source #
pubSVar :: StateVarSym r => SVariable r -> CSStateVar r Source #
class (OOMethodSym r, StateVarSym r) => ClassSym r where Source #
buildClass :: Maybe Label -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r Source #
Main external method for creating a class. Inputs: parent class, variables, constructor(s), methods
extraClass :: Label -> Maybe Label -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r Source #
Creates an extra class. Inputs: class name, the rest are the same as buildClass.
implementingClass :: Label -> [Label] -> [CSStateVar r] -> [SMethod r] -> [SMethod r] -> SClass r Source #
Creates a class implementing interfaces. Inputs: class name, interface names, variables, constructor(s), methods
data VisibilityTag Source #
Eq VisibilityTag Source # | |
Defined in Drasil.GOOL.AST Methods (==) :: VisibilityTag -> VisibilityTag -> Bool # (/=) :: VisibilityTag -> VisibilityTag -> Bool # |
Boolean | |
Integer | |
Float | |
Double | |
Char | |
String | |
InFile | |
OutFile | |
List CodeType | |
Set CodeType | |
Array CodeType | |
Object ClassName | |
Func [CodeType] CodeType | |
Void |
lensMStoVS :: Lens' MethodState ValueState Source #
onStateValue :: (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b Source #
onCodeList :: Monad m => ([a] -> b) -> [m a] -> m b Source #
cppVersion :: String Source #