drasil-docLang- A framework for code and document generation for scientific software - Document Language SubPackage
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Defines helper functions for creating subsections within the Solution Characteristics Specification. Namely, for theory models, general definitions, data definitions, and instance models.



data Field Source #

Fields that should be displayed in definitions.


Instances details
Show Field Source #

Defines Fields as Spaces.

Instance details

Defined in Drasil.DocumentLanguage.Definitions


showsPrec :: Int -> Field -> ShowS #

show :: Field -> String #

showList :: [Field] -> ShowS #

type Fields = [Field] Source #

Synonym for a list of Fields.

data InclUnits Source #

Determines whether to include or ignore units.



In description field (for other symbols).


data Verbosity Source #

Refers to the verbosity of statements.



Full Descriptions.


Simple Description (do not redefine other symbols).


ddefn :: Fields -> SystemInformation -> DataDefinition -> LabelledContent Source #

Create a data definition using a list of fields, a database of symbols, and a QDefinition (called automatically by SCSSub program).

derivation :: (MayHaveDerivation c, HasShortName c, Referable c) => c -> Maybe Contents Source #

Create a derivation from a chunk's attributes. This follows the TM, DD, GD, or IM definition automatically (called automatically by SCSSub program).

gdefn :: Fields -> SystemInformation -> GenDefn -> LabelledContent Source #

Create a general definition using a list of fields, database of symbols, and a GenDefn (general definition) chunk (called automatically by SCSSub program).

instanceModel :: Fields -> SystemInformation -> InstanceModel -> LabelledContent Source #

Create an instance model using a list of fields, database of symbols, and an InstanceModel chunk (called automatically by SCSSub program).

tmodel :: Fields -> SystemInformation -> TheoryModel -> LabelledContent Source #

Create a theoretical model using a list of fields to be displayed, a database of symbols, and a RelationConcept (called automatically by SCSSub program).


helperRefs :: HasUID t => t -> SystemInformation -> Sentence Source #

Helper function to make a list of Sentences from the current system information and something that has a UID.

helpToRefField :: UID -> SystemInformation -> Sentence Source #

Creates a reference as a Sentence by finding if the UID is in one of the possible data sets contained in the SystemInformation database.