{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} 
-- | Abstract Syntax Tree for Uniform Resource Identifiers
module Language.Drasil.URI.AST where

-- | A uniform resource identifier (uses URLs or ISBNs).
data URI = URL Scheme Authority Path Query Fragment
         | ISBN String
-- | URL scheme (either HTTP or FTP).
data Scheme = HTTP --Just the two to start
            | FTP
-- | Authentication if necessary.
data Authority = Full Username Password Host Port -- ^ Full authentication.
               | Simple Host Port -- ^ Simplify for when authentication
                                  --isn't necessary.

type Path = String     -- ^ Type the full path excluding the first /.
type Query = [String]  -- ^ Make sure [] doesn't print a "?".
                       -- Separate elements with "&".
type Fragment = String -- ^ Make sure "" becomes "" not "#" when printing.
type Username = String -- ^ Again make sure "" doesn't print anything.
type Password = String -- ^ Don't print anything if "" or if Username="".
type Host = String     -- ^ Type the host address (ex. "www.github.com").
data Port = P Int      -- ^ Take an integer port number if applicable.
          | NA         -- ^ Do nothing if port is not applicable.