Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Defines helper functions used in printing LaTeX documents.
- br :: D -> D
- sq :: D -> D
- parens :: D -> D
- quote :: D -> D
- lbrace :: D
- rbrace :: D
- command0 :: String -> D
- command :: String -> String -> D
- commandD :: String -> D -> D
- command1o :: String -> Maybe String -> String -> D
- command1oD :: String -> Maybe D -> D -> D
- command1p :: String -> String -> String -> D
- command1pD :: String -> D -> D -> D
- texSym :: String -> D
- command2 :: String -> String -> String -> D
- command2D :: String -> D -> D -> D
- command3 :: String -> String -> String -> String -> D
- mkEnv :: String -> (D -> D -> D) -> D -> D
- mkEnvArgBr :: String -> String -> D -> D
- mkEnvArgSq :: String -> String -> D -> D
- mkMinipage :: D -> D
- comm :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> D
- renewcomm :: String -> String -> D
- empty :: D
- genSec :: Int -> D
- ref :: String -> D -> D
- sref :: String -> D -> D
- hyperref :: String -> D -> D
- externalref :: String -> D -> D
- snref :: String -> D -> D
- href :: String -> String -> D
- cite :: String -> Maybe D -> D
- count :: String -> D
- mathbb :: String -> D
- usepackage :: String -> D
- includegraphics :: MaxWidthPercent -> String -> D
- author :: D -> D
- caption :: D -> D
- item :: D -> D
- label :: D -> D
- title :: D -> D
- bold :: D -> D
- item' :: D -> D -> D
- maketitle :: D
- maketoc :: D
- newpage :: D
- centering :: D
- code :: D -> D
- itemize :: D -> D
- enumerate :: D -> D
- description :: D -> D
- description' :: D -> D
- figure :: D -> D
- center :: D -> D
- document :: D -> D
- equation :: D -> D
- symbDescription :: D -> D
- docclass :: String -> String -> D
- sec :: Int -> D -> D
- subscript :: D -> D -> D
- superscript :: D -> D -> D
- bullet :: D
- counter :: D
- ddefnum :: D
- ddref :: D
- colAw :: D
- colBw :: D
- arrayS :: D
- modcounter :: D
- modnum :: D
- newline :: D -> D
- fraction :: D -> D -> D
- hyperConfig :: D
- useTikz :: D
- toEqn :: D -> D
- paren :: String -> String
- sqbrac :: String -> String
LaTeX Commands
Infrastructre for defining commands, environments, etc. Calls to TP should only occur in this section.
command1o :: String -> Maybe String -> String -> D Source #
1-argument command, with optional argument.
command1p :: String -> String -> String -> D Source #
1-argument command with parameter in square brackets.
mkEnvArgBr :: String -> String -> D -> D Source #
Encapsulate environments with argument with braces.
mkEnvArgSq :: String -> String -> D -> D Source #
Encapsulate environments with argument with brackets.
mkMinipage :: D -> D Source #
Makes minipage environment.
Define Common LaTeX Commands
usepackage :: String -> D Source #
Usepackage command.
includegraphics :: MaxWidthPercent -> String -> D Source #
Include graphics with a given max width percentage.
description :: D -> D Source #
Common commands and formatting options for a LaTeX document.
description' :: D -> D Source #
Common commands and formatting options for a LaTeX document.
symbDescription :: D -> D Source #
Common commands and formatting options for a LaTeX document.
modcounter :: D Source #
Macro/Command definitions.
hyperConfig :: D Source #
Configuration settings.
toEqn is special; it switches to Math
, but inserts an equation environment.
Uses resizeExpression macro (defined in Preamble.hs) to prevent page overflow.