-- | Global configuration for output.
-- This should be deprecated in the future as Recipes evolve.
module Language.Drasil.Config(
  -- * Printer Configurations
  -- * Bibliography
  numberedDDEquations,numberedTMEquations) where

-- | TeX font size.
fontSize :: Int
fontSize :: Int
fontSize = Int

-- | (Currently Unused) Print verbose data definition descriptions?
verboseDDDescription :: Bool
verboseDDDescription :: Bool
verboseDDDescription = Bool

-- | (Currently Unused) TeX Only - Number Data Definition equations?
numberedDDEquations :: Bool
numberedDDEquations :: Bool
numberedDDEquations = Bool
False -- Does not affect HTML

-- | (Currently Unused) TeX Only - Number Theoretical Model equations?
numberedTMEquations :: Bool
numberedTMEquations :: Bool
numberedTMEquations = Bool

-- | TeX Only - Numbered sections?
numberedSections :: Bool
numberedSections :: Bool
numberedSections = Bool

--TeX Document Parameter Defaults (can be modified to affect all documents OR
  -- you can create your own parameter function and replace the one above.
--defaultSRSparams :: SRSParams
--defaultSRSparams = SRSParams
--  (DocClass  Nothing "article")
--  (UsePackages ["fullpage","booktabs","longtable","listings","graphics","hyperref","caption",
--  "amsmath"])

-- | TeX Only - column width for data definitions 
-- (fraction of LaTeX textwidth).
colAwidth, colBwidth :: Double
colAwidth :: Double
colAwidth = Double
colBwidth :: Double
colBwidth = Double

-- | TeX Only - Settings for hyperref.
hyperSettings :: String
hyperSettings :: String
hyperSettings =
"bookmarks=true,"     -- show bookmarks bar?
  String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
"colorlinks=true,"    -- false: boxed links; true: colored links
  String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
"linkcolor=red,"      -- color of internal links
  String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
"citecolor=blue,"     -- color of links to bibliography
  String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
"filecolor=magenta,"  -- color of file links
  String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
"urlcolor=cyan"       -- color of external links

-- | The bibliography format.
data StyleGuide = MLA | APA | Chicago

-- | Converts bibliography style guide.
useStyleTeX :: StyleGuide -> String
useStyleTeX :: StyleGuide -> String
useStyleTeX StyleGuide
MLA = String
useStyleTeX StyleGuide
APA = String
useStyleTeX StyleGuide
Chicago = String

-- | MLA for bibliography style as a 'String'.
bibStyleT :: String
bibStyleT :: String
bibStyleT = StyleGuide -> String
useStyleTeX StyleGuide
bibStyle --This will be an input for the user eventually

-- | MLA for bibliography style.
bibStyleH :: StyleGuide
bibStyleH :: StyleGuide
bibStyleH = StyleGuide

-- | MLA for bibliography style.
bibStyle :: StyleGuide
bibStyle :: StyleGuide
bibStyle = StyleGuide

-- | Used to name the BibTeX file
bibFname :: String
bibFname :: String
bibFname = String
"bibfile" --needed in TeX/Print and TeX/Preamble