-- | Defines functions to render 'CodeExpr's as printable 'P.Expr's.
module Language.Drasil.Printing.Import.CodeExpr (codeExpr) where

import Language.Drasil (DomainDesc(..), Inclusive(..),
  RTopology(..), RealInterval(..), UID, LiteralC (int))
import qualified Language.Drasil.Display as S (Symbol(..))
import Language.Drasil.CodeExpr.Development
import Language.Drasil.Literal.Development

import qualified Language.Drasil.Printing.AST as P
import Language.Drasil.Printing.PrintingInformation (PrintingInformation, ckdb, stg)

import Language.Drasil.Printing.Import.Helpers
    (lookupC, parens)
import Language.Drasil.Printing.Import.Literal (literal)
import Language.Drasil.Printing.Import.Symbol (symbol)

import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.List (intersperse)

-- | Helper that creates an expression row given printing information, an operator, and an expression.
mkCall :: PrintingInformation -> P.Ops -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
mkCall :: PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
s Ops
o CodeExpr
e = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
o, Expr -> Expr
parens (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
e PrintingInformation

-- | Helper that creates a binary expression row given printing information, an operator, and two expressions.
mkBOp :: PrintingInformation -> P.Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
mkBOp :: PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
o CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
sm, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
o, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation

-- | Helper that adds parenthesis to an expression where appropriate.
expr' :: PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
expr' :: PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
s Int
p CodeExpr
e = Expr -> Expr
fence (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
e PrintingInformation
  where fence :: Expr -> Expr
fence = if CodeExpr -> Int
eprec CodeExpr
e Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
p then Expr -> Expr
parens else Expr -> Expr
forall a. a -> a

-- | Helper for properly rendering negation of expressions.
neg' :: CodeExpr -> Bool
neg' :: CodeExpr -> Bool
neg' (Lit (Dbl Double
_))          = Bool
neg' (Lit (Int Integer
_))          = Bool
neg' (Lit (ExactDbl Integer
_))     = Bool
neg' Operator{}             = Bool
neg' (AssocA AssocArithOper
Mul [CodeExpr]
_)        = Bool
neg' (LABinaryOp LABinOp
Index CodeExpr
_ CodeExpr
_) = Bool
neg' (UnaryOp UFunc
_ CodeExpr
_)          = Bool
neg' (UnaryOpB UFuncB
_ CodeExpr
_)         = Bool
neg' (UnaryOpVV UFuncVV
_ CodeExpr
_)        = Bool
neg' (C UID
_)                  = Bool
neg' CodeExpr
_                      = Bool

-- | Render negated expressions.
neg :: PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
neg :: PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> Expr
neg PrintingInformation
sm CodeExpr
a = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Neg, (if CodeExpr -> Bool
neg' CodeExpr
a then Expr -> Expr
forall a. a -> a
id else Expr -> Expr
parens) (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation

-- | For printing indexes.
indx :: PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
indx :: PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
indx PrintingInformation
sm (C UID
c) CodeExpr
i = Symbol -> Expr
f Symbol
    i' :: Expr
i' = CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
i PrintingInformation
    s :: Symbol
s = Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
    f :: Symbol -> Expr
f (S.Corners [] [] [] [Symbol
b] Symbol
e) =
      let e' :: Expr
e' = Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
          b' :: Expr
b' = Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
b in
      [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [[Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr
e', Expr -> Expr
P.Sub ([Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr
b', Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Comma, Expr
i'])]] -- FIXME, extra Row
    f a :: Symbol
a@(S.Variable String
_) = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
a, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub Expr
    f a :: Symbol
a@(S.Label String
_)    = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
a, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub Expr
--    f a@(Greek _)  = P.Row [symbol a, P.Sub i']
    f   Symbol
e          = let e' :: Expr
e' = Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
e in [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [[Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr
e'], Expr -> Expr
P.Sub Expr
indx PrintingInformation
sm CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
i = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [[Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
sm], Expr -> Expr
P.Sub (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
i PrintingInformation

-- | For printing expressions that call something.
call :: PrintingInformation -> UID -> [CodeExpr] -> [(UID, CodeExpr)] -> P.Expr
call :: PrintingInformation
-> UID -> [CodeExpr] -> [(UID, CodeExpr)] -> Expr
call PrintingInformation
sm UID
f [CodeExpr]
ps [(UID, CodeExpr)]
ns = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
  Expr -> Expr
parens (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
intersperse (Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Comma) ([Expr] -> [Expr]) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (CodeExpr -> Expr) -> [CodeExpr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
`codeExpr` PrintingInformation
sm) [CodeExpr]
ps [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
  (UID -> CodeExpr -> Expr) -> [UID] -> [CodeExpr] -> [Expr]
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith (\UID
n CodeExpr
a -> [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
  Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Eq, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
sm]) (((UID, CodeExpr) -> UID) -> [(UID, CodeExpr)] -> [UID]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (UID, CodeExpr) -> UID
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst [(UID, CodeExpr)]
ns) (((UID, CodeExpr) -> CodeExpr) -> [(UID, CodeExpr)] -> [CodeExpr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (UID, CodeExpr) -> CodeExpr
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd [(UID, CodeExpr)]

-- | Helper function for addition 'EOperator's.
eopAdds :: PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
eopAdds :: forall (t :: RTopology).
-> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
eopAdds PrintingInformation
sm (BoundedDD Symbol
v RTopology
Continuous CodeExpr
l CodeExpr
h) CodeExpr
e =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Inte, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
l PrintingInformation
sm), Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
h PrintingInformation
         [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
e PrintingInformation
sm], Spacing -> Expr
P.Spc Spacing
P.Thin, String -> Expr
P.Ident String
"d", Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
eopAdds PrintingInformation
sm (AllDD Symbol
v RTopology
Continuous) CodeExpr
e =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Inte, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub (Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
v), [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
e PrintingInformation
sm], Spacing -> Expr
P.Spc Spacing
         String -> Expr
P.Ident String
"d", Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
eopAdds PrintingInformation
sm (BoundedDD Symbol
v RTopology
Discrete CodeExpr
l CodeExpr
h) CodeExpr
e =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Summ, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub ([Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
v, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Eq, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
l PrintingInformation
sm]), Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
h PrintingInformation
         [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
e PrintingInformation
eopAdds PrintingInformation
sm (AllDD Symbol
_ RTopology
Discrete) CodeExpr
e = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Summ, [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
e PrintingInformation

-- | Helper function for multiplicative 'EOperator's.
eopMuls :: PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
eopMuls :: forall (t :: RTopology).
-> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
eopMuls PrintingInformation
sm (BoundedDD Symbol
v RTopology
Discrete CodeExpr
l CodeExpr
h) CodeExpr
e =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Prod, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub ([Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
v, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Eq, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
l PrintingInformation
sm]), Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
h PrintingInformation
         [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
e PrintingInformation
eopMuls PrintingInformation
sm (AllDD Symbol
_ RTopology
Discrete) CodeExpr
e = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Prod, [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
e PrintingInformation
eopMuls PrintingInformation
_ (AllDD Symbol
_ RTopology
Continuous) CodeExpr
_ = String -> Expr
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Printing/Import.hs Product-Integral not implemented."
eopMuls PrintingInformation
_ (BoundedDD Symbol
_ RTopology
Continuous CodeExpr
_ CodeExpr
_) CodeExpr
_ = String -> Expr
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Printing/Import.hs Product-Integral not implemented."

-- | Helper function for translating 'EOperator's.
eop :: PrintingInformation -> AssocArithOper -> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
eop :: forall (t :: RTopology).
-> AssocArithOper
-> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr
-> CodeExpr
-> Expr
eop PrintingInformation
sm AssocArithOper
Add = PrintingInformation
-> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
forall (t :: RTopology).
-> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
eopAdds PrintingInformation
eop PrintingInformation
sm AssocArithOper
Mul = PrintingInformation
-> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
forall (t :: RTopology).
-> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
eopMuls PrintingInformation

-- | Translate 'CodeExpr's to printable layout AST 'Expr's.
codeExpr :: CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> P.Expr
codeExpr :: CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr (Lit Literal
l)                  PrintingInformation
sm = Literal -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
literal Literal
l PrintingInformation
codeExpr (AssocB AssocBoolOper
And [CodeExpr]
l)           PrintingInformation
sm = Ops -> Int -> [CodeExpr] -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
assocExpr Ops
P.And (AssocBoolOper -> Int
precB AssocBoolOper
And) [CodeExpr]
l PrintingInformation
codeExpr (AssocB AssocBoolOper
Or [CodeExpr]
l)            PrintingInformation
sm = Ops -> Int -> [CodeExpr] -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
assocExpr Ops
P.Or (AssocBoolOper -> Int
precB AssocBoolOper
Or) [CodeExpr]
l PrintingInformation
codeExpr (AssocA AssocArithOper
Add [CodeExpr]
l)           PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
addExpr [CodeExpr]
l AssocArithOper
Add PrintingInformation
codeExpr (AssocA AssocArithOper
Mul [CodeExpr]
l)           PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr [CodeExpr]
l AssocArithOper
Mul PrintingInformation
codeExpr (AssocC AssocConcatOper
SUnion [CodeExpr]
l)        PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr [CodeExpr]
l AssocArithOper
Mul PrintingInformation
codeExpr (C UID
c)                    PrintingInformation
sm = Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
codeExpr (FCall UID
f [CodeExpr
x] [])         PrintingInformation
sm =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
f, Expr -> Expr
parens (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
x PrintingInformation
codeExpr (FCall UID
f [CodeExpr]
l [(UID, CodeExpr)]
ns)           PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation
-> UID -> [CodeExpr] -> [(UID, CodeExpr)] -> Expr
call PrintingInformation
sm UID
f [CodeExpr]
l [(UID, CodeExpr)]
codeExpr (New UID
c [CodeExpr]
l [(UID, CodeExpr)]
ns)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation
-> UID -> [CodeExpr] -> [(UID, CodeExpr)] -> Expr
call PrintingInformation
sm UID
c [CodeExpr]
l [(UID, CodeExpr)]
codeExpr (Message UID
m [CodeExpr]
l [(UID, CodeExpr)]
ns)       PrintingInformation
sm =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Point, PrintingInformation
-> UID -> [CodeExpr] -> [(UID, CodeExpr)] -> Expr
call PrintingInformation
sm UID
m [CodeExpr]
l [(UID, CodeExpr)]
codeExpr (Field UID
f)              PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
  Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Point, Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
codeExpr (Case Completeness
_ [(CodeExpr, CodeExpr)]
ps)              PrintingInformation
sm =
  if [(CodeExpr, CodeExpr)] -> Int
forall a. [a] -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [(CodeExpr, CodeExpr)]
ps Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
    then String -> Expr
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Attempting to use multi-case codeExpr incorrectly"
    else [(Expr, Expr)] -> Expr
P.Case ([Expr] -> [Expr] -> [(Expr, Expr)]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip (((CodeExpr, CodeExpr) -> Expr) -> [(CodeExpr, CodeExpr)] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ((CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr)
-> PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> Expr
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr PrintingInformation
sm (CodeExpr -> Expr)
-> ((CodeExpr, CodeExpr) -> CodeExpr)
-> (CodeExpr, CodeExpr)
-> Expr
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (CodeExpr, CodeExpr) -> CodeExpr
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst) [(CodeExpr, CodeExpr)]
ps) (((CodeExpr, CodeExpr) -> Expr) -> [(CodeExpr, CodeExpr)] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ((CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr)
-> PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> Expr
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr PrintingInformation
sm (CodeExpr -> Expr)
-> ((CodeExpr, CodeExpr) -> CodeExpr)
-> (CodeExpr, CodeExpr)
-> Expr
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (CodeExpr, CodeExpr) -> CodeExpr
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd) [(CodeExpr, CodeExpr)]
codeExpr (Matrix [[CodeExpr]]
a)                  PrintingInformation
sm = [[Expr]] -> Expr
P.Mtx ([[Expr]] -> Expr) -> [[Expr]] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ([CodeExpr] -> [Expr]) -> [[CodeExpr]] -> [[Expr]]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ((CodeExpr -> Expr) -> [CodeExpr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
`codeExpr` PrintingInformation
sm)) [[CodeExpr]]
codeExpr (Set Space
_ [CodeExpr]
a)                   PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (CodeExpr -> Expr) -> [CodeExpr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
`codeExpr` PrintingInformation
sm) [CodeExpr]
codeExpr (Variable String
_ CodeExpr
l)              PrintingInformation
sm = CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
l PrintingInformation
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Log CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Log CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Ln CodeExpr
u)              PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Ln CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Sin CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Sin CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Cos CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Cos CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Tan CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Tan CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Sec CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Sec CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Csc CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Csc CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Cot CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Cot CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Arcsin CodeExpr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Arcsin CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Arccos CodeExpr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Arccos CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Arctan CodeExpr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Arctan CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Exp CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Exp, Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
u PrintingInformation
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Abs CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = Fence -> Fence -> Expr -> Expr
P.Fenced Fence
P.Abs Fence
P.Abs (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
u PrintingInformation
codeExpr (UnaryOpB UFuncB
Not CodeExpr
u)            PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Not, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
u PrintingInformation
codeExpr (UnaryOpVN UFuncVN
Norm CodeExpr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = Fence -> Fence -> Expr -> Expr
P.Fenced Fence
P.Norm Fence
P.Norm (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
u PrintingInformation
codeExpr (UnaryOpVN UFuncVN
Dim CodeExpr
u)           PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Dim CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Sqrt CodeExpr
u)            PrintingInformation
sm = Expr -> Expr
P.Sqrt (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
u PrintingInformation
codeExpr (UnaryOp UFunc
Neg CodeExpr
u)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> Expr
neg PrintingInformation
sm CodeExpr
codeExpr (UnaryOpVV UFuncVV
NegV CodeExpr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> Expr
neg PrintingInformation
sm CodeExpr
codeExpr (ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Frac CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)    PrintingInformation
sm = Expr -> Expr -> Expr
P.Div (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
sm) (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation
codeExpr (ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Pow CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)     PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
pow PrintingInformation
sm CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Subt CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)    PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
sm, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Subt, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation
codeExpr (BoolBinaryOp BoolBinOp
Impl CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)     PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Impl CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (BoolBinaryOp BoolBinOp
Iff CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)      PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Iff CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (EqBinaryOp EqBinOp
Eq CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)         PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Eq CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (EqBinaryOp EqBinOp
NEq CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)        PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.NEq CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (LABinaryOp LABinOp
Index CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)      PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
indx PrintingInformation
sm CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (LABinaryOp LABinOp
IndexOf CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)    PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
indx PrintingInformation
sm CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (OrdBinaryOp OrdBinOp
Lt CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)        PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Lt CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (OrdBinaryOp OrdBinOp
Gt CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)        PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Gt CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (OrdBinaryOp OrdBinOp
LEq CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)       PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.LEq CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (OrdBinaryOp OrdBinOp
GEq CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)       PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.GEq CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (VVNBinaryOp VVNBinOp
Dot CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)       PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Dot CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (VVVBinaryOp VVVBinOp
Cross CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)     PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Cross CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (VVVBinaryOp VVVBinOp
VAdd CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)      PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.VAdd CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (VVVBinaryOp VVVBinOp
VSub CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)      PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.VSub CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (NVVBinaryOp NVVBinOp
Scale CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)     PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Scale CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (ESSBinaryOp ESSBinOp
SAdd CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)      PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.SAdd CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (ESSBinaryOp ESSBinOp
SRemove CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b)   PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.SRemove CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (ESBBinaryOp ESBBinOp
SContains CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b) PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.SContains CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
codeExpr (Operator AssocArithOper
o DiscreteDomainDesc CodeExpr CodeExpr
d CodeExpr
e)            PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation
-> AssocArithOper
-> DiscreteDomainDesc CodeExpr CodeExpr
-> CodeExpr
-> Expr
forall (t :: RTopology).
-> AssocArithOper
-> DomainDesc t CodeExpr CodeExpr
-> CodeExpr
-> Expr
eop PrintingInformation
sm AssocArithOper
o DiscreteDomainDesc CodeExpr CodeExpr
d CodeExpr
codeExpr (RealI UID
c RealInterval CodeExpr CodeExpr
ri)                PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation
-> Symbol -> RealInterval CodeExpr CodeExpr -> Expr
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
sm (Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
c) RealInterval CodeExpr CodeExpr

-- | Common method of converting associative operations into printable layout AST.
assocExpr :: P.Ops -> Int -> [CodeExpr] -> PrintingInformation -> P.Expr
assocExpr :: Ops -> Int -> [CodeExpr] -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
assocExpr Ops
op Int
prec [CodeExpr]
exprs PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
intersperse (Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
op) ([Expr] -> [Expr]) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (CodeExpr -> Expr) -> [CodeExpr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm Int
prec) [CodeExpr]

-- | Helper for rendering printable expressions.
addExpr :: [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [P.Expr]
addExpr :: [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
addExpr [CodeExpr]
exprs AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> [Expr]
addExprFilter ((CodeExpr -> Expr) -> [CodeExpr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o)) [CodeExpr]

-- | Add add symbol only when the second Expr is not negation 
addExprFilter :: [P.Expr] -> [P.Expr]
addExprFilter :: [Expr] -> [Expr]
addExprFilter [] = []
addExprFilter [Expr
x] = [Expr
addExprFilter (Expr
x1:P.Row[P.MO Ops
P.Neg, Expr
xs) = Expr
x1 Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr] -> [Expr]
addExprFilter ([Expr] -> Expr
P.Row[Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Neg, Expr
x2] Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr]
addExprFilter (Expr
xs) = Expr
x Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Add Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr] -> [Expr]
addExprFilter [Expr]

-- | Helper for rendering printable expressions.
mulExpr ::  [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [P.Expr]
mulExpr :: [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (CodeExpr
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
sm = case (CodeExpr
hd1, CodeExpr
hd2) of
a, Lit (Int Integer
_))      ->  [PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) CodeExpr
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Dot] [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (CodeExpr
hd2 CodeExpr -> [CodeExpr] -> [CodeExpr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [CodeExpr]
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
a, Lit (ExactDbl Integer
_)) ->  [PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) CodeExpr
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Dot] [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (CodeExpr
hd2 CodeExpr -> [CodeExpr] -> [CodeExpr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [CodeExpr]
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
a, Lit (Dbl Double
_))      ->  [PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) CodeExpr
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Dot] [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (CodeExpr
hd2 CodeExpr -> [CodeExpr] -> [CodeExpr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [CodeExpr]
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
a, CodeExpr
_)                ->  [PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) CodeExpr
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Mul] [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [CodeExpr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (CodeExpr
hd2 CodeExpr -> [CodeExpr] -> [CodeExpr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [CodeExpr]
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
mulExpr [CodeExpr
hd]         AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
sm = [PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) CodeExpr
mulExpr []           AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
sm = [PrintingInformation -> Int -> CodeExpr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) (Integer -> CodeExpr
forall r. LiteralC r => Integer -> r
int Integer

-- | Helper that adds parenthesis to the first expression. The second expression
-- is written as a superscript attached to the first.
withParens :: PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
withParens :: PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
b = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> Expr
parens (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
prI), Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation

-- | Helper for properly rendering exponents.
pow :: PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> P.Expr
pow :: PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: CodeExpr
a@(AssocA AssocArithOper
Add [CodeExpr]
_)          CodeExpr
b = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: CodeExpr
a@(AssocA AssocArithOper
Mul [CodeExpr]
_)         CodeExpr
b = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: CodeExpr
a@(ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Subt CodeExpr
_ CodeExpr
_) CodeExpr
b = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: CodeExpr
a@(ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Frac CodeExpr
_ CodeExpr
_) CodeExpr
b = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: CodeExpr
a@(ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Pow CodeExpr
_ CodeExpr
_)  CodeExpr
b = PrintingInformation -> CodeExpr -> CodeExpr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI CodeExpr
a CodeExpr
pow PrintingInformation
prI CodeExpr
a                          CodeExpr
b = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
prI, Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation

-- | Print a 'RealInterval'.
renderRealInt :: PrintingInformation -> S.Symbol -> RealInterval CodeExpr CodeExpr -> P.Expr
renderRealInt :: PrintingInformation
-> Symbol -> RealInterval CodeExpr CodeExpr -> Expr
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (Bounded (Inclusive
a) (Inclusive
b)) =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
st, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (Bounded (Inclusive
a) (Inclusive
b)) =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
st, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (Bounded (Inclusive
a) (Inclusive
b)) =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
st, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt, Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (Bounded (Inclusive
a) (Inclusive
b)) =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
st, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt, Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
b PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (UpTo (Inclusive
a))   = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (UpTo (Inclusive
a))   = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt,  CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (UpFrom (Inclusive
a)) = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.GEq, CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (UpFrom (Inclusive
a)) = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Gt,  CodeExpr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
codeExpr CodeExpr
a PrintingInformation