-- | Defines functions for printing expressions.
module Language.Drasil.Printing.Import.Expr (expr) where

import Language.Drasil hiding (neg, sec, symbol, isIn, Matrix, Set)
import qualified Language.Drasil.Display as S (Symbol(..))
import Language.Drasil.Expr.Development (ArithBinOp(..), AssocArithOper(..),
  AssocBoolOper(..), BoolBinOp(..), EqBinOp(..), Expr(..),
  LABinOp(..), OrdBinOp(..), UFunc(..), UFuncB(..), UFuncVN(..), UFuncVV(..),
  VVNBinOp(..), VVVBinOp(..), NVVBinOp(..), ESSBinOp(..), ESBBinOp(..), AssocConcatOper(..), eprec, precA, precB, precC)
import Language.Drasil.Literal.Development (Literal(..))

import qualified Language.Drasil.Printing.AST as P
import Language.Drasil.Printing.PrintingInformation (PrintingInformation, ckdb, stg)

import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.List (intersperse)

import Language.Drasil.Printing.Import.Literal (literal)
import Language.Drasil.Printing.Import.Symbol (symbol)
import Language.Drasil.Printing.Import.Helpers (lookupC, parens)

-- | Helper that creates an expression row given printing information, an operator, and an expression.
mkCall :: PrintingInformation -> P.Ops -> Expr -> P.Expr
mkCall :: PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
s Ops
o Expr
e = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
o, Expr -> Expr
parens (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
e PrintingInformation

-- | Helper that creates a binary expression row given printing information, an operator, and two expressions.
mkBOp :: PrintingInformation -> P.Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> P.Expr
mkBOp :: PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
o Expr
a Expr
b = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
sm, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
o, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation

-- | Helper that adds parenthesis to an expression where appropriate.
expr' :: PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> P.Expr
expr' :: PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
s Int
p Expr
e = Expr -> Expr
fence (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
e PrintingInformation
  where fence :: Expr -> Expr
fence = if Expr -> Int
eprec Expr
e Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
p then Expr -> Expr
parens else Expr -> Expr
forall a. a -> a

-- | Helper for properly rendering negation of expressions.
neg' :: Expr -> Bool
neg' :: Expr -> Bool
neg' (Lit (Dbl Double
_))          = Bool
neg' (Lit (Int Integer
_))          = Bool
neg' (Lit (ExactDbl Integer
_))     = Bool
neg' Operator{}             = Bool
neg' (AssocA AssocArithOper
Mul [Expr]
_)       = Bool
neg' (LABinaryOp LABinOp
Index Expr
_ Expr
_) = Bool
neg' (UnaryOp UFunc
_ Expr
_)          = Bool
neg' (UnaryOpB UFuncB
_ Expr
_)         = Bool
neg' (UnaryOpVV UFuncVV
_ Expr
_)        = Bool
neg' (C UID
_)                  = Bool
neg' Expr
_                      = Bool

-- | Render negated expressions.
neg :: PrintingInformation -> Expr -> P.Expr
neg :: PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr
neg PrintingInformation
sm Expr
a = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Neg, (if Expr -> Bool
neg' Expr
a then Expr -> Expr
forall a. a -> a
id else Expr -> Expr
parens) (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation

-- | For printing indexes.
indx :: PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> P.Expr
indx :: PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
indx PrintingInformation
sm (C UID
c) Expr
i = Symbol -> Expr
f Symbol
    i' :: Expr
i' = Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
i PrintingInformation
    s :: Symbol
s = Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
    f :: Symbol -> Expr
f (S.Corners [] [] [] [Symbol
b] Symbol
e) =
      let e' :: Expr
e' = Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
          b' :: Expr
b' = Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
b in
      [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [[Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr
e', Expr -> Expr
P.Sub ([Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr
b', Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Comma, Expr
i'])]] -- FIXME, extra Row
    f a :: Symbol
a@(S.Variable String
_) = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
a, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub Expr
    f a :: Symbol
a@(S.Label String
_)    = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
a, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub Expr
--    f a@(Greek _)  = P.Row [symbol a, P.Sub i']
    f   Symbol
e          = let e' :: Expr
e' = Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
e in [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [[Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr
e'], Expr -> Expr
P.Sub Expr
indx PrintingInformation
sm Expr
a Expr
i = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [[Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
sm], Expr -> Expr
P.Sub (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
i PrintingInformation

-- | For printing expressions that call something.
call :: PrintingInformation -> UID -> [Expr] -> P.Expr
call :: PrintingInformation -> UID -> [Expr] -> Expr
call PrintingInformation
sm UID
f [Expr]
ps = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [
    Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
    Expr -> Expr
parens (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
intersperse (Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Comma) ([Expr] -> [Expr]) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Expr -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
`expr` PrintingInformation
sm) [Expr]

-- | Helper function for addition 'EOperator's.
eopAdds :: PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> P.Expr
eopAdds :: forall (t :: RTopology).
PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
eopAdds PrintingInformation
sm (BoundedDD Symbol
v RTopology
Continuous Expr
l Expr
h) Expr
e =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Inte, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
l PrintingInformation
sm), Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
h PrintingInformation
         [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
e PrintingInformation
sm], Spacing -> Expr
P.Spc Spacing
P.Thin, String -> Expr
P.Ident String
"d", Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
eopAdds PrintingInformation
sm (AllDD Symbol
v RTopology
Continuous) Expr
e =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Inte, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub (Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
v), [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
e PrintingInformation
sm], Spacing -> Expr
P.Spc Spacing
         String -> Expr
P.Ident String
"d", Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
eopAdds PrintingInformation
sm (BoundedDD Symbol
v RTopology
Discrete Expr
l Expr
h) Expr
e =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Summ, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub ([Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
v, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Eq, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
l PrintingInformation
sm]), Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
h PrintingInformation
         [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
e PrintingInformation
eopAdds PrintingInformation
sm (AllDD Symbol
_ RTopology
Discrete) Expr
e = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Summ, [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
e PrintingInformation

-- | Helper function for multiplicative 'EOperator's.
eopMuls :: PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> P.Expr
eopMuls :: forall (t :: RTopology).
PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
eopMuls PrintingInformation
sm (BoundedDD Symbol
v RTopology
Discrete Expr
l Expr
h) Expr
e =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Prod, Expr -> Expr
P.Sub ([Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
v, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Eq, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
l PrintingInformation
sm]), Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
h PrintingInformation
         [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
e PrintingInformation
eopMuls PrintingInformation
sm (AllDD Symbol
_ RTopology
Discrete) Expr
e = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Prod, [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
e PrintingInformation
eopMuls PrintingInformation
_ (AllDD Symbol
_ RTopology
Continuous) Expr
_ = String -> Expr
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Printing/Import.hs Product-Integral not implemented."
eopMuls PrintingInformation
_ (BoundedDD Symbol
_ RTopology
Continuous Expr
_ Expr
_) Expr
_ = String -> Expr
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Printing/Import.hs Product-Integral not implemented."

-- | Helper function for translating 'EOperator's.
eop :: PrintingInformation -> AssocArithOper -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> P.Expr
eop :: forall (t :: RTopology).
-> AssocArithOper -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
eop PrintingInformation
sm AssocArithOper
Add = PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
forall (t :: RTopology).
PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
eopAdds PrintingInformation
eop PrintingInformation
sm AssocArithOper
Mul = PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
forall (t :: RTopology).
PrintingInformation -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
eopMuls PrintingInformation

-- | Translate Exprs to printable layout AST.
expr :: Expr -> PrintingInformation -> P.Expr
expr :: Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr (Lit Literal
l)                  PrintingInformation
sm = Literal -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
literal Literal
l PrintingInformation
expr (AssocB AssocBoolOper
And [Expr]
l)           PrintingInformation
sm = Ops -> Int -> [Expr] -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
assocExpr Ops
P.And (AssocBoolOper -> Int
precB AssocBoolOper
And) [Expr]
l PrintingInformation
expr (AssocB AssocBoolOper
Or [Expr]
l)            PrintingInformation
sm = Ops -> Int -> [Expr] -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
assocExpr Ops
P.Or (AssocBoolOper -> Int
precB AssocBoolOper
Or) [Expr]
l PrintingInformation
expr (AssocA AssocArithOper
Add [Expr]
l)           PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
addExpr [Expr]
l AssocArithOper
Add PrintingInformation
expr (AssocA AssocArithOper
Mul [Expr]
l)           PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr [Expr]
l AssocArithOper
Mul PrintingInformation
expr (AssocC AssocConcatOper
SUnion [Expr]
l)        PrintingInformation
sm = Ops -> Int -> [Expr] -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
assocExpr Ops
P.SUnion (AssocConcatOper -> Int
precC AssocConcatOper
SUnion) [Expr]
l PrintingInformation
expr (C UID
c)                    PrintingInformation
sm = Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
expr (FCall UID
f [Expr
x])            PrintingInformation
sm =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol (Symbol -> Expr) -> Symbol -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
stg) (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
f, Expr -> Expr
parens (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
x PrintingInformation
expr (FCall UID
f [Expr]
l)              PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> UID -> [Expr] -> Expr
call PrintingInformation
sm UID
f [Expr]
expr (Case Completeness
_ [(Expr, Expr)]
ps)              PrintingInformation
sm =
  if [(Expr, Expr)] -> Int
forall a. [a] -> Int
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [(Expr, Expr)]
ps Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Int
    then String -> Expr
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"Attempting to use multi-case expr incorrectly"
    else [(Expr, Expr)] -> Expr
P.Case ([Expr] -> [Expr] -> [(Expr, Expr)]
forall a b. [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zip (((Expr, Expr) -> Expr) -> [(Expr, Expr)] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ((Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr)
-> PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr PrintingInformation
sm (Expr -> Expr) -> ((Expr, Expr) -> Expr) -> (Expr, Expr) -> Expr
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Expr, Expr) -> Expr
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst) [(Expr, Expr)]
ps) (((Expr, Expr) -> Expr) -> [(Expr, Expr)] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ((Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr)
-> PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr PrintingInformation
sm (Expr -> Expr) -> ((Expr, Expr) -> Expr) -> (Expr, Expr) -> Expr
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (Expr, Expr) -> Expr
forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd) [(Expr, Expr)]
expr (Matrix [[Expr]]
a)               PrintingInformation
sm = [[Expr]] -> Expr
P.Mtx ([[Expr]] -> Expr) -> [[Expr]] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ([Expr] -> [Expr]) -> [[Expr]] -> [[Expr]]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map ((Expr -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
`expr` PrintingInformation
sm)) [[Expr]]
expr (Set Space
_ [Expr]
a)                PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Set ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Expr -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
`expr` PrintingInformation
sm) [Expr]
expr (Variable String
_ Expr
l)           PrintingInformation
sm = Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
l PrintingInformation
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Log Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Log Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Ln Expr
u)           PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Ln Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Sin Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Sin Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Cos Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Cos Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Tan Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Tan Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Sec Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Sec Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Csc Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Csc Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Cot Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Cot Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Arcsin Expr
u)       PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Arcsin Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Arccos Expr
u)       PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Arccos Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Arctan Expr
u)       PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Arctan Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Exp Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Exp, Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
u PrintingInformation
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Abs Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = Fence -> Fence -> Expr -> Expr
P.Fenced Fence
P.Abs Fence
P.Abs (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
u PrintingInformation
expr (UnaryOpB UFuncB
Not Expr
u)         PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Not, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
u PrintingInformation
expr (UnaryOpVN UFuncVN
Norm Expr
u)       PrintingInformation
sm = Fence -> Fence -> Expr -> Expr
P.Fenced Fence
P.Norm Fence
P.Norm (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
u PrintingInformation
expr (UnaryOpVN UFuncVN
Dim Expr
u)        PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr
mkCall PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Dim Expr
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Sqrt Expr
u)         PrintingInformation
sm = Expr -> Expr
P.Sqrt (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
u PrintingInformation
expr (UnaryOp UFunc
Neg Expr
u)          PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr
neg PrintingInformation
sm Expr
expr (UnaryOpVV UFuncVV
NegV Expr
u)       PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr
neg PrintingInformation
sm Expr
expr (ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Frac Expr
a Expr
b) PrintingInformation
sm = Expr -> Expr -> Expr
P.Div (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
sm) (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation
expr (ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Pow Expr
a Expr
b)  PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
pow PrintingInformation
sm Expr
a Expr
expr (ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Subt Expr
a Expr
b) PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
sm, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Subt, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation
expr (BoolBinaryOp BoolBinOp
Impl Expr
a Expr
b)  PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Impl Expr
a Expr
expr (BoolBinaryOp BoolBinOp
Iff Expr
a Expr
b)   PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Iff Expr
a Expr
expr (EqBinaryOp EqBinOp
Eq Expr
a Expr
b)      PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Eq Expr
a Expr
expr (EqBinaryOp EqBinOp
NEq Expr
a Expr
b)     PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.NEq Expr
a Expr
expr (LABinaryOp LABinOp
Index Expr
a Expr
b)   PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
indx PrintingInformation
sm Expr
a Expr
expr (LABinaryOp LABinOp
IndexOf Expr
a Expr
b) PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
indx PrintingInformation
sm Expr
a Expr
expr (OrdBinaryOp OrdBinOp
Lt Expr
a Expr
b)     PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Lt Expr
a Expr
expr (OrdBinaryOp OrdBinOp
Gt Expr
a Expr
b)     PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Gt Expr
a Expr
expr (OrdBinaryOp OrdBinOp
LEq Expr
a Expr
b)    PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.LEq Expr
a Expr
expr (OrdBinaryOp OrdBinOp
GEq Expr
a Expr
b)    PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.GEq Expr
a Expr
expr (VVVBinaryOp VVVBinOp
Cross Expr
a Expr
b)  PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Cross Expr
a Expr
expr (VVVBinaryOp VVVBinOp
VAdd Expr
a Expr
b)   PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.VAdd Expr
a Expr
expr (VVVBinaryOp VVVBinOp
VSub Expr
a Expr
b)   PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.VSub Expr
a Expr
expr (VVNBinaryOp VVNBinOp
Dot Expr
a Expr
b)    PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Dot Expr
a Expr
expr (NVVBinaryOp NVVBinOp
Scale Expr
a Expr
b)  PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.Scale Expr
a Expr
expr (ESSBinaryOp ESSBinOp
SAdd Expr
a Expr
b)   PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.SAdd Expr
a Expr
expr (ESSBinaryOp ESSBinOp
SRemove Expr
a Expr
b)    PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.SRemove Expr
a Expr
expr (ESBBinaryOp ESBBinOp
SContains Expr
a Expr
b)  PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Ops -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
mkBOp PrintingInformation
sm Ops
P.SContains Expr
a Expr
expr (Operator AssocArithOper
o DiscreteDomainDesc Expr Expr
d Expr
e)         PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation
-> AssocArithOper -> DiscreteDomainDesc Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
forall (t :: RTopology).
-> AssocArithOper -> DomainDesc t Expr Expr -> Expr -> Expr
eop PrintingInformation
sm AssocArithOper
o DiscreteDomainDesc Expr Expr
d Expr
expr (RealI UID
c RealInterval Expr Expr
ri)             PrintingInformation
sm = PrintingInformation -> Symbol -> RealInterval Expr Expr -> Expr
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
sm (Stage -> ChunkDB -> UID -> Symbol
lookupC (PrintingInformation
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage -> Stage
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting Stage PrintingInformation Stage
Lens' PrintingInformation Stage
sm PrintingInformation
-> Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB -> ChunkDB
forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. Getting ChunkDB PrintingInformation ChunkDB
Lens' PrintingInformation ChunkDB
ckdb) UID
c) RealInterval Expr Expr

-- | Common method of converting associative operations into printable layout AST.
assocExpr :: P.Ops -> Int -> [Expr] -> PrintingInformation -> P.Expr
assocExpr :: Ops -> Int -> [Expr] -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
assocExpr Ops
op Int
prec [Expr]
exprs PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row ([Expr] -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> Expr
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
intersperse (Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
op) ([Expr] -> [Expr]) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Expr -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm Int
prec) [Expr]

-- | Helper for rendering printable expressions.
addExpr :: [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [P.Expr]
addExpr :: [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
addExpr [Expr]
exprs AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
sm = [Expr] -> [Expr]
addExprFilter ((Expr -> Expr) -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o)) [Expr]

-- | Add add symbol only when the second Expr is not negation 
addExprFilter :: [P.Expr] -> [P.Expr]
addExprFilter :: [Expr] -> [Expr]
addExprFilter [] = []
addExprFilter [Expr
x] = [Expr
addExprFilter (Expr
x1:P.Row[P.MO Ops
P.Neg, Expr
xs) = Expr
x1 Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr] -> [Expr]
addExprFilter ([Expr] -> Expr
P.Row[Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Neg, Expr
x2] Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr]
addExprFilter (Expr
xs) = Expr
x Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Add Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr] -> [Expr]
addExprFilter [Expr]

-- | Helper for rendering printable expressions.
mulExpr ::  [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [P.Expr]
mulExpr :: [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (Expr
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
sm = case (Expr
hd1, Expr
hd2) of
a, Lit (Int Integer
_))      ->  [PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) Expr
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Dot] [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (Expr
hd2 Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr]
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
a, Lit (ExactDbl Integer
_)) ->  [PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) Expr
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Dot] [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (Expr
hd2 Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr]
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
a, Lit (Dbl Double
_))      ->  [PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) Expr
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Dot] [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (Expr
hd2 Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr]
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
a, Expr
_)                ->  [PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) Expr
a, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Mul] [Expr] -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Expr] -> AssocArithOper -> PrintingInformation -> [Expr]
mulExpr (Expr
hd2 Expr -> [Expr] -> [Expr]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [Expr]
tl) AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
mulExpr [Expr
hd]         AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
sm = [PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) Expr
mulExpr []           AssocArithOper
o PrintingInformation
sm = [PrintingInformation -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
expr' PrintingInformation
sm (AssocArithOper -> Int
precA AssocArithOper
o) (Integer -> Expr
forall r. LiteralC r => Integer -> r
int Integer

-- | Helper that adds parenthesis to the first expression. The second expression
-- is written as a superscript attached to the first.
withParens :: PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> P.Expr
withParens :: PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI Expr
a Expr
b = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> Expr
parens (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
prI), Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation

-- | Helper for properly rendering exponents.
pow :: PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> P.Expr
pow :: PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: Expr
a@(AssocA AssocArithOper
Add [Expr]
_)          Expr
b = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI Expr
a Expr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: Expr
a@(AssocA AssocArithOper
Mul [Expr]
_)         Expr
b = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI Expr
a Expr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: Expr
a@(ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Subt Expr
_ Expr
_) Expr
b = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI Expr
a Expr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: Expr
a@(ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Frac Expr
_ Expr
_) Expr
b = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI Expr
a Expr
pow PrintingInformation
prI a :: Expr
a@(ArithBinaryOp ArithBinOp
Pow Expr
_ Expr
_)  Expr
b = PrintingInformation -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
withParens PrintingInformation
prI Expr
a Expr
pow PrintingInformation
prI Expr
a                          Expr
b = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
prI, Expr -> Expr
P.Sup (Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation

-- | Print a 'RealInterval'.
renderRealInt :: PrintingInformation -> Symbol -> RealInterval Expr Expr -> P.Expr
renderRealInt :: PrintingInformation -> Symbol -> RealInterval Expr Expr -> Expr
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (Bounded (Inclusive
a) (Inclusive
b)) =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
st, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (Bounded (Inclusive
a) (Inclusive
b)) =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
st, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (Bounded (Inclusive
a) (Inclusive
b)) =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
st, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt, Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (Bounded (Inclusive
a) (Inclusive
b)) =
  [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
st, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt, Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
b PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (UpTo (Inclusive
a))   = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.LEq, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (UpTo (Inclusive
a))   = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Lt,  Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (UpFrom (Inclusive
a)) = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.GEq, Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation
renderRealInt PrintingInformation
st Symbol
s (UpFrom (Inclusive
a)) = [Expr] -> Expr
P.Row [Symbol -> Expr
symbol Symbol
s, Ops -> Expr
P.MO Ops
P.Gt,  Expr -> PrintingInformation -> Expr
expr Expr
a PrintingInformation