drasil-website- Using the Drasil generators to create Drasil's website
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Case Studies table for the different choices available when generating code from Drasil. To be used in the Drasil website.


Case Studies Section

caseStudySec :: Section Source #

Creates the Case Study Section.

caseStudiesTitle :: String Source #

Section title.

caseStudiesDesc :: String Source #

Section description.

legendIntro :: String Source #

Introduce the Case Study Table Legend as a list.

mkCaseTable :: RawContent Source #

Creates the Case Study Table

Manipulating info from Example -> CaseStudy

After taking the information about the examples from Example.hs, convert each example into its own case study.

data CaseStudy Source #

Holds individual case studies. System info may not be needed, but it is still nice to keep around for now.




mkCaseStudy :: Example -> [CaseStudy] Source #

Converts a list of examples into a list of CaseStudies. Currently, projectile is the only one that has more than one set of choices, so we take the naming scheme from there.

Display CaseStudy Information as a Table

We first need the helper functions to convert Choices into a displayable format (as a Sentence). Those are defined in the section below to reduce clutter. Then we make the header row, table body, and helper for the table body functions.

headerRow :: [Sentence] Source #

Hardcoded header row for the Case studies table

tableBody :: [CaseStudy] -> [[Sentence]] Source #

Creates the case study table body.

displayCS :: CaseStudy -> [Sentence] Source #

Converts a case study into a table row for easy display.

Case Studies Table Legend

Next, we need the legend to explain the Case Studies Table. These functions are essentially hard-coded and also defined below.

data CSLegend Source #

Each entry for the case studies table legend. The title should be the same as the header.




caseStudyLegend :: RawContent Source #

Make the legend for the case study table as a list.

mkLegendListFunc :: CSLegend -> ItemType Source #

Helper to convert the Case Study legends into list items.

mkTandDSent :: (String, String) -> ItemType Source #

Should eventually take Sentences instead of Strings. Converts into the format of "symbol - definition".

caseStudyTitle :: String Source #

Case Study Table column headers.

modularityTitle :: String Source #

Case Study Table column headers.

implementTypeTitle :: String Source #

Case Study Table column headers.

loggingTitle :: String Source #

Case Study Table column headers.

inStructTitle :: String Source #

Case Study Table column headers.

conStructTitle :: String Source #

Case Study Table column headers.

conRepTitle :: String Source #

Case Study Table column headers.

realNumRepTitle :: String Source #

Case Study Table column headers.

legendEntries :: [CSLegend] Source #

Case study legend entries.

modularityLegend :: CSLegend Source #

Modularity or Separation of software.

implementationTypeLegend :: CSLegend Source #

Software implementation type.

loggingLegend :: CSLegend Source #

Compiler logging statements.

inputStrLegend :: CSLegend Source #

Input value structure.

conStrLegend :: CSLegend Source #

Constant value structure.

conRepLegend :: CSLegend Source #

Constant value representation.

realNumRepLegend :: CSLegend Source #

Real number representation.

Helper functions to create the case study table rows.

These functions act like a version of show for each different type of Choices, but tweaked to fit inside a table.