Functional Requirements

This section provides the functional requirements, the tasks and behaviours that the software is expected to complete.

Input-Values: Input the values from Tab:ReqInputs.

Verify-Input-Values: Ensure that the input values are within the limits specified in the data constraints.

Calculate-Values: Calculate the Process Variable (from IM:pdEquationIM) over the simulation time.

Output-Values: Output the Process Variable (from IM:pdEquationIM) over the simulation time.

\({K_{\text{d}}}\)Derivative Gain
\({K_{\text{p}}}\)Proportional Gain
\({t_{\text{sim}}}\)Simulation Time\({\text{s}}\)
\({t_{\text{step}}}\)Step Time\({\text{s}}\)

Required Inputs following FR:Input-Values